We want to hear from patients, families and carers and the general public to help us shape and refine our plans for the new Eye Hospital.  Your views are incredibly important.  There are a number of ways to get involved:

Complete our online survey

Tell us:

  • Is there anything you particularly welcome about our plans for the new Eye Hospital?
  • Is there anything that concerns you about our plans for the new Eye Hospital?
  • What would make the new Eye Hospital accessible for you and your family/friends? 
  • What would make you feel more comfortable as a patient and/or visitor to the new Eye Hospital? 
  • What would improve your overall experience of using the new Eye Hospital? 
  • Any ideas about the new Eye Hospital design that we might have missed?

Please take our survey here

Attend an online public engagement event

Over the next 8 weeks we will hold virtual engagement sessions for members of the public.  You will be able see the designs, give us your feedback and ask any questions about the proposed new Eye Hospital.  Dates and times are shown below:

Date  Time  Event type
Friday 19 March 2pm - 3pm Online launch event
Saturday 27 March 11am – 12 noon Online public engagement event
Tuesday 30 March 1pm – 2pm Online public engagement event
Thursday 15 April 2pm – 3pm Online public engagement event
Tuesday 20 April 6pm – 7pm Online public engagement event
Tuesday 27 April 10am – 11am Online public engagement event
Thursday 29 April 2pm – 3pm Online public engagement event
Tuesday 4 May 1pm - 2pm Online public engagement event


You must book using the link below:

  • https://www.stsft.nhs.uk/neweyehospital/get-involved/events-calendar

Request a focus group

We are also holding some dedicated focus groups with patients, families and carers. This is to make sure the proposed new Eye Hospital offers the very best experience for anyone who needs to use it in the future.  

If you represent a community or voluntary sector group please get in touch.  This will help ensure your service users and volunteers are able to influence plans for the proposed new Eye Hospital.  We are particularly interested in talking to:

•    People with a sight impairment and/or sight loss
•    Younger people and teenagers
•    Families and carers 
•    Older patients and patient groups 
•    Dementia services 
•    Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Groups 
•    People with learning disabilities 

We are also keen to hear from people with an interest in the protected characteristics defined by the Equality Act 2010 that includes: age; disability; gender reassignment; race; religion or belief; sex; sexual orientation; marriage and civil partnership; pregnancy and maternity.

To find out more about our plans for a new Eye Hospital in Sunderland visit https://www.stsft.nhs.uk/neweyehospital, email stsft.sei@nhs.net or call 0191 404 1284.