Published on: 22 November 2022

Imagine being in hospital over the Christmas period and not having the comfort of a warm pair of pyjamas, dressing gown and slippers. 

South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust is bringing back its annual campaign to turn this nightmare into nightwear.

The Trust is bringing back its #NightwearBeforeChristmas campaign and hoping for more gifts than ever before to make this festive time an extra special one for patients spending it in hospital.

Hospital Elder Life Programme Assistants Rachael Knowles, left, and Moira Kennedy, right, with Pharmacist Practitioner Rachel Dunbar, centre..jpeg

Hospital Elder Life Programme Assistants Rachael Knowles, left, and Moira Kennedy, right, with Pharmacist Practitioner Rachel Dunbar, centre.

The appeal is now in its ninth year. The teams who help care for older patients are hoping for a bumper collection, especially as access to the drop off points has eased since the pandemic.

Pyjamas and nightgowns, wrapped up with a note saying what is inside, will be welcomed by Sunderland Royal Hospital and South Tyneside District Hospital.

Larger sizes are often most in need and it is best if they are made from cotton.

The team behind the collection is also welcoming slippers, which need to have backs on them, as well as toiletries, including razors, but not creams.

Novels, puzzle and colouring in books and colouring in materials will also be gratefully received so they can be handed out.

All the gifts will be presented to older patients staying at the hospitals ahead of Christmas and so that they can wear their new nightwear on December 24.

Claire Boylan is Elder Life Specialist Practitioner with the Delirium and Dementia Outreach Team (DDOT) which is based in the Alexandra Centre at Sunderland Royal Hospital.

She said:

“We want to make Christmas a special one for those who are spending it in our care on our wards.

“Our supporters have shown us such kindness in previous years and their gifts have made a huge difference to our patients, they’re so grateful for the thought and effort that is put in by people.

“The items of nightwear will give our patients something new and comfortable to enjoy on Christmas Eve.

“All gifts will be appreciated by those we are caring for, their loved ones and our staff too, it really does bring Christmas cheer to us all.”

Items can be dropped into the Alexandra Centre, on E Floor of Sunderland Royal Hospital, from 9.30am to 3.30pm Monday to Friday.

At South Tyneside District Hospital, they can be left at the Discharge Lounge, which is close to the Moorlands Unit and opposite the Out Patient Department, from 8am to 8pm, Monday to Saturday, and on Sundays from 8am to 6pm.