Our Communications Team is the first point of contact for all media enquiries.
You can contact the team directly for information, filming and interview requests - please do not contact individual members of staff directly.
Any filming or photography on any of our sites by the media must be overseen by our team. Please get in touch to make your request.
For media enquiries during office hours (Monday to Friday from 9am-5pm) please contact:
Fiona Thompson
Media and PR Manager
0191 404 1128 or fiona.thompson38@nhs.net
Becky Dolan
Head of PR and Digital
0191 404 1064 or becky.dolan1@nhs.net
For urgent out-of-hours media enquiries please contact the on-call manager via our switchboard at Sunderland Royal on 0191 565 6256 or South Tyneside District Hospital on 0191 404 1000.
Press releases
Visit our News section for the latest press releases from the Trust.
Patient confidentiality
We place great emphasis on the need for the strictest confidentiality, in respect of our patients. We will not divulge any information about a patient unless we are given permission from the individual, their guardian or their next of kin. All requests for interviewing/photographing patients must be made through the Communications Team.
Condition checks
All condition checks should come through the Communications Team. We can only provide information about a patient where we are given the name of the patient concerned and we have consent by them / their family / next of kin. Please do not contact our wards directly as they will not be able to provide you with this information.