Organ donation is extremely important. It is when you decide to give an organ to save or transform the life of someone else. 

Why is it important?

Did you know that not many people die in a way that makes it possible for them to donate their organs? This is why every potential donor is precious. 

In 2023/24, 638 people benefited from a solid organ transplant in the North East and Yorkshire. Sadly, 70 people died on the transplant waiting list during this time.

36% of people living in the North East and Yorkshire have registered as an organ donor. This compares to 42% of the population nationally. This is why we continue to share the importance of registering as a donor and making your wishes known to your loved ones. 

Organ Donation in South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust 

Organ donations in the trust in 2023/24 - 14 consented donors, 11 donations facilitated by the trust, 26 patients received a transplant as a result. Our trust has a dedicated Organ Donation Group. The group is made up of clinical leads, speciailist nurses and various staff from across the trust.

The group helps to ensure high-quality care in organ donation and that families are informed and supported throughout. 

In 2023/24 the trust was recognised by NHSBT for the number of referrals of potential donors. The support of specialist nurses as also recognised as exceptional with all families of eligible donors receiving support in donation discussions. 

During this time there were 14 consented donors in the trust. 11 solid organ donations took place. This resulted in 26 patients receiving a life-changing transplant. 

In addition there were 22 corneas were donated, saving the sight of many. 

Life-changing stories 

Patients and staff gather with cake to celebrate golden anniversary of patient's kidney transplantsHere’s to 100 years of life – Patients celebrate golden anniversary of transplant operations

A double celebration was held for two patients who are marked the ‘golden’ moment since their lives were saved when relatives stepped forward to donate a kidney.

Robert Hughes, from County Durham, underwent his operation on January 18, 1974, when his late brother John was found to be a match.

He was joined by Sue Westhead, from Houghton-le-Spring, who has now enjoyed more than 50 years free of kidney disease. This was after her late mother Ann Metcalfe donated her organ – which is now 108-years-old – in July 1973.

Read the full story here - Here’s to 100 years of life – Patients celebrate golden anniversary of transplant operations

Organ Donation Week: Grandmother makes plea after her sight was saved by others

Julie, whose sight was saved, sitting on bench with bushes in the backgroundA grandmother who can only see her loved ones because of organ donation has shared a message calling on people to think about the difference it can not only make to save lives – but sight too.

Julie Currie’s greatest joy is to be able to see her four grandchildren and other family members.

Beyond that, the cornea transplant treatment the Sunderland Eye Infirmary patient has been given means she is not living in the terrible pain her inherited condition can cause.

Read the full story here - Grandmother makes plea after her sight was saved by others

Useful links

For more information on the Organ register and how to register your decision click the link - Organ donation website