Do you need a little extra help getting to hospital? You will find information here on community transport schemes, volunteer drivers and much more.
Age UK Sunderland

Age UK Sunderland offer a dedicated ‘dial a driver’ scheme. This service is for people aged 60 years and older, who find it difficult to use public transport to get to appointments. The scheme uses volunteer drivers who use their own cars for transport. There is a fuel cost charge for this service. The current cost is up to 50p per mile. From when the volunteer driver leaves their home, to take you to your appointment and home again.

The volunteer driver will help you from the car when you get to your appointment. They will either wait for you or return later to collect you. This will depend on the duration of your appointment. This service covers the city of Sunderland including Hetton, Houghton and Washington.

You can make a booking by calling 0191 514 8339 or via

If you would like to find out more about the volunteer driver service visit Age UK Sunderland


XL Health

XL Health offers a pre-planned ‘dial a ride’ service for people who find it difficult to use public transport. They support people with transport for medical appointments. This service is ideal for people who struggle with their mobility and find it difficult to navigate hospitals. XL Health can also provide an escort if you need help on your journey or at hospital.

There is a charge for this service. The cost is based on individual needs.

To make a booking call 0333 339 4620 (option 1)

For more information visit XL Health


Daft as a Brush Cancer Patient Care

Daft as a Brush Cancer Patient Care is a charity. It provides a free transport service to and from the Newcastle Freeman and RVI Hospitals. This service is for outpatients receiving chemotherapy or radiotherapy treatment. At your hospital appointment your nurse or consultant will discuss your transport requirements. They will then reserve the transport service on your behalf. Daft as a Brush is unable to accept direct individual transport requests.

For more information visit Daft as a Brush Cancer Patient Care


Age Concern Tyneside South

Age Concern Tyneside South (ACTS) offers a home from hospital service. When you are ready to go home after a hospital stay your doctor or nurse will assess you. They will make sure you have the right support in place. This will help you to recover better.

ACTS can transport or escort you home and provide practical support for up to 6 weeks after hospital discharge. Day to day tasks such as shopping, attending appointments or help going for a walk. This service is for patients living in South Tyneside. Your doctor or nurse will refer you to this service.

ACTS offers other practical and emotional support. If you would like to find out more, visit Age Concern Tyneside South