You can generate donations for our charity while online shopping using easyfundraising. It is free to use and doesn't affect the offers you receive when shopping online.
You can now donate to the STS charity while shopping online at no cost to yourself!
easyfundraising is a shopping portal with links through to all major online retail sites. When you go through the easyfundraising portal to a retail site and make a purchase the retailer makes a donation to your chosen charity. You will not be charged extra and you have access to the same offers that are available to you if you went direct to the retailer site.
How it works
- Click on the easyfundraising logo above to register with them and select us as your chosen charity.
- Then when you shop online, go through the easyfundraising website to the retailers selling the products you are interested in.
- Buy what you want, whether it is groceries, insurance or a family holiday
- The retailers will then make a donation to our charity at no additional cost to yourselves
- You will receive all the same offers that you would if you'd gone direct to the retailer..