The Niall Quinn Children’s Children Centre (NQCC) is our children’s outpatient department at Sunderland Royal Hospital.
The NQCC has 10 children's outpatient consultation rooms. It is a stand-alone purpose built department. It has direct access to the main hospital and the paediatric wards. The NQCC sees children requiring the following speciality. General paediatrics, respiratory, allergies, diabetes, epilepsy, endocrine, neuro-disability and gastroenterology. The NQCC holds a weekly paediatric cardiac clinic held in the Neonatal Unit.
The Niall Quinn Children's Centre (NQCC) is located here:
Directions and Transport
Niall Quinn Children's Centre, Kayll Road, Sunderland, Tyne & Wear, SR4 7TP.
Main Switchboard: 0191 565 6256 ext. 41236
Open hours: Monday - Friday 08.30 - 17.00. Closed all bank holidays and weekends.
Getting Here
By Car
Sunderland Royal Hospital operates a pay on exit car-parking system. There are payment kiosks near to all main entrances. The machines accept cash and card. Type in your car registration number and follow the payment instructions.
If you are travelling by car, we advise you to allow extra time to find a parking space at Sunderland Royal Hospital. Spaces aren't always guaranteed.
Parking for staff, patients and visitors is marked at various car parks on site. We ask when you visit that patients and visitors please refrain from parking in staff only areas.
There is dedicated parking for patients and visitors at Chester Wing and Hylton Road car parks. You are also welcome to park in any car park space which is not labelled 'staff only'.
A car parking map is available here:
Sunderland Royal Hospital parking.pdf
By Bus
The Niall Quinn Children's Centre is at Sunderland Royal Hospital. It is well served by bus routes.
The following bus stops are located outside of the hospital:
- Royal Hospital Kayll Road F;
- Royal Hospital Chester Road B;
- Royal Hospital Chester Road A;
- Royal Hospital Kayll Road E;
- Royal Hospital Hylton Road H.
To help you plan your journey to hospital, visit the NEXUS website. Here you will find information on bus routes, a live travel map, timetables and a ticket finder.
By Metro
The nearest Metro station for Sunderland Royal Hospital is Millfield on Hylton Road. It is approximately a ten-minute walk from the station to the hospital.
For help planning your journey to hospital, visit the NEXUS website.
By Train
Sunderland train station is in the town centre and is approximately 1½ miles away. If you are travelling by train you will need to get the Northern Line.
For help planning your journey to hospital, visit the NEXUS website.
By Bike
If you are travelling by bike, you can find information on cycle routes on the Sunderland City Council website.
Visit Go Smarter Go Active for cycle maps and planning your journey.
For more information on public transport and concessionary travel schemes visit public transport.
Car Parking
There are parking charges at Sunderland Royal Hospital. This is where the Niall Quinn Children's Centre is located.
Parking charges
Up to 20 minutes - Free
Up to 1 hour - £2.00
Up to 2 hours - £3.00
Up to 4 hours - £4.50
Up to 24 hours - £8.00
Weekly pass - £10.00
How to pay
Sunderland Royal Hospital operates a pay on exit car-parking system. There are payment kiosks near to all main entrances. The machines accept cash and card. Type in your car registration number and follow the payment instructions. If you are a regular visitor you may wish to purchase a discounted monthly permit.
Blue Badge Holders
Car parking is free if you have a blue badge. There are car parking spaces reserved for blue badge holders on our Hospital Sites. To park for free you must register your details. Once registered you can park on any of the Trust sites free of charge.
You can register your blue badge details by:
Completing the online blue badge holder parking registration form.
Contacting Parking Eye on 03331235991.
Using one of the dedicated telephone facilities at Sunderland Royal Hospital. They are situated in the main hospital entrances.
If you use more than one vehicle, please register each one.
Please ensure that your details are registered with us when you park at one of our Trust sites. Or you could receive a parking charge notice (PCN).
ParkingEye uses technology to capture number plates of all vehicles entering and exiting Trust sites.
The following information is recorded:
- Time of vehicle entering and exiting Trust site.
- Any payment made using the pay machines or Pay by Phone service.
- Photo of vehicle entering Trust site.
Parking Charge Notice (PCN)
A parking charge notice will be issued to motorists who are in breach of our car park terms and conditions. This includes:
- Parking in an unauthorised parking bay.
- Non-payment on departure or if you do not pay the correct tariff.
- Not having the correct permit.
There is a facility to pay your parking fees on exit from the car park.
We appreciate our car parks can be very busy, especially at peak times. If you feel that you have received an unfair parking charge, you can appeal direct to Parking Eye. You will need the details on your parking charge notice.