The liver is the biggest organ in the body, it is in the upper right hand side of your tummy. The liver has many important jobs, it:

  • stores sugars and fats to be made into energy for you
  • makes proteins that help your blood to clot and prevents bleeding
  • makes bile, which is used to break down fats so that they can be used by the body
  • breaks down harmful substances.

The liver is good at repairing itself and it can work even if only a small part is working well. 

Liver cancer is a cancer that starts in the liver. It is sometimes called primary liver cancer. Primary liver cancer is rare in the UK, with around 5,700 people in the UK being diagnosed. A cancer that starts somewhere else in the body and spreads to the liver is called secondary (metastatic) cancer. The Gastro-Intestinal team don’t look after these types of cancer for information about this type of cancer please follow the links to your primary cancer for example breast  or colon.

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