Service overview
The Epilepsy & Seizure service at South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust (STSFT) encompasses both consultant and nurse led clinics to assess, diagnose and manage patients with first fits, epilepsy and seizure disorders.
All consultant neurologists in STSFT assess patients presenting with first fits in specialist rapid access clinics to ensure timely investigation, advice and management; whilst the epilepsy team, comprising an epilepsy specialist nurse and a consultant neurologist work closely together to manage patients with epilepsy in their specialist clinics.
The epilepsy team have established working relationships with colleagues in other specialties including: neurophysiology, radiology, paediatrics, the emergency department (ED), obstetrics, acute medicine, community brain injury services, and the community learning disability team. In addition, there are also close working links with the regional epilepsy service in Newcastle, where specialist diagnostic investigations, and surgical management strategies such as vagal nerve stimulation (VNS) or resective surgery, can be accessed.
The Sunderland Epilepsy Team:
- Dr Hannah Steele Consultant Neurologist and Epilepsy specialist
- Sr Beverley Scott Epilepsy Specialist Nurse
Consultant Neurologists:
Dr Steele runs twice weekly epilepsy clinics, and a quarterly paediatric epilepsy transition clinic with paediatric colleagues.
Epilepsy Specialist Nurse Service:
Sister Beverley Scott is the epilepsy specialist nurse (ESN). Patients will need to have been reviewed by a neurologist (consultant or registrar) before being referred to the Epilepsy Specialist Nurse. Sr Scott provides regular review clinics, as well as an answerphone service which provides a means of addressing any routine concerns or queries arising between scheduled clinic appointments. Calls are normally returned between Monday and Thursday.
Sr Scott can order investigations and prescribe medication for seizure management; provide advice and support with regards the diagnosis of epilepsy; and train family/friends to provide emergency rescue medication for prolonged seizures.
What support you will receive at Sunderland:
- After being referred to the Epilepsy & Seizure service you will be given an appointment with the Consultant Neurologist, or team member.
- At this review a full history and examination will be taken. With your permission, it is typical for us to ask to speak to friends or family who have witnessed your seizures in order to understand exactly what occurs during these.
- You will be given an investigation, diagnosis and treatment plan based on your individual needs.
- You may be asked to keep a seizure diary, in order to better understand your seizure frequency, and the impact of any treatment provided.
- You may be asked to record your seizures in video format for review with your care team in order for us better understand your seizure type(s).
- Where you are given a diagnosis of epilepsy, you will have access to the epilepsy nurse answerphone service, enabling you to access support between clinic appointments if needed.
- If you are unable to drive due to your seizure disorder, we can help you access free travel.
- If you take medication for epilepsy, we can help ensure that you obtain free prescriptions.
- If you are planning pregnancy, or pregnant, you will be seen in a consultant led clinic on an urgent basis in order to ensure that your treatment plan remains appropriate.
- If your seizures occur regularly, and/or are prolonged (lasting more than 5 minutes), we can provide you with an emergency health care plan, which may include provision of rescue medication.
- You will be provided with either face to face clinic assessment or telephone reviews at intervals specific to your needs, with either Dr Steele or Sister Scott.
Contact us
Ward F61: 0191 5656256 ext 49761
Finding us
We are located on Ward F61 in Sunderland Royal Hospital, F floor.
Our team
Directorate Manager - Lisa Ball
Clinical Director - Nikhill Majmudar (secretary, Lindsay Watts)
Ward F61 Manager - Fiona Glen
Epilepsy Nurse Specialist - Beverley Scott
Matrons - Carole Gibson, June Lawson & Su Lindsay
Useful information
Epilepsy Action
Helpline freephone 0808 800 5050. For people with epilepsy, family and friends & health professionals - whole range of advice support and information regarding all aspects of epilepsy treatment and care.
Epilepsy Society
Helpline 0149 460 1400. Offers epilepsy information and advice in several languages via downloadable aps – Polish, Hindi, Spanish + links via youtube for information in Bengali, Turkish, Cantonese, Hindi, Somali & Urdu.