We aim for excellence in all that we do and the highest standards of quality. This means we focus on safety at all times. We want to provide the very best care and support to you and your loved ones. Please get in touch at any time if you have any feedback or concerns. We will listen and respond to you.

Meet our Senior Management Team

Director of Midwifery - Jane Anderson - jane.anderson34@nhs.net

Jane Anderson.jpg

Clinical Director for Maternity - Sarah Gatiss - sarahjane.gatiss@nhs.net


Head of Midwifery - Dawn Edmundson - d.edmundson@nhs.net


Divisional Director - Claire McManus - c.mcmanus2@nhs.net


Directorate Manager - Andrea Cowling - andrea.cowling@nhs.net


Intrapartum & Inpatient Matron - Emma Bramall - e.bramall@nhs.net


 Antenatal & Community services Matron - Melissa Letouze - melissa.letouze@nhs.net

 Quality and Safety Matron - Andrea Tweddell - andrea.tweddell1@nhs.net