Published on: 4 December 2024
The countdown to Christmas is on, with NHS leaders calling for people to make sure they don’t give their loved ones flu or any other winter bugs this festive time.
South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust has added its voice to healthcare organisations across the region as it sees a rise in people in hospital with flu and other respiratory illnesses like Covid-19.
Norovirus, also known as the winter vomiting bug and causes diarrhoea, is also a concern at this point in the year and is easily spread in healthcare settings.
Anyone feeling unwell is asked to stay away from visiting loved ones who are in hospital and also think again about seeing anyone who is vulnerable out in the community to help stop the spread.
The Trust is asking everyone coming to Sunderland Royal Hospital or South Tyneside District Hospital to make sure they clean their hands when entering the buildings. Sanitation stations are set up at their doors to help with this.
Visitors are also being urged to follow advise of staff to help reduce the risk of bugs being passed on.
Dr Shaz Wahid is the Executive Medical Director of the Trust.
He said:
"We always see a rise in demand for our services during winter and now we also have the added pressure of winter illnesses.
"I must stress, if you want to visit but feel ill, please stay away from our hospitals. We know people will want to see their friends or family member, but it will risk making them and other patients even more unwell.
"We have seen an increase in patients who need treatment for flu and Covid-19 and we are carefully managing these cases so that we don’t spread those infections further. However, we also need to do everything we can to make sure further illness aren’t brought into our hospitals.
"We also want anyone who is eligible for their free flu and Covid jabs to be protected as soon as possible. The winter months are here for a long time yet and this is the best way to protect yourselves and others."
As well as asking people not to visit loved ones in hospital, the Trust is also reminding people how to get prepared for winter and the festive period.
The Trust is encouraging people to stock up on items for their medicine cabinet. They are also urged get their repeat prescription request in now so that they have plenty of time to collect their order and have access to their medications during the Christmas and New Year period.
Dr Wahid added:
"This is a very busy time of year for the NHS and we need people to use the right service. NHS 111 Online is always a good place to seek advice and will tell you where to get treatment, if it’s needed.
"We all need to do our bit to look after ourselves and each other, as well as make sure our Emergency Departments are able to treat those who are most seriously unwell or injured as a priority."
Information on the symptoms and how to treat flu can be found through the NHS’s flu information page.
Details on COVID-19 is available via this NHS page.
Norovirus and how to treat it is online here.