Our specialist dietitians will help you prepare for and recover from surgery and support you to make changes for a healthier life style.
Bariatric Seminar
You are required to attend a bariatric seminar. This may be a presentation you can access by a link that will be sent to you. If you attend the seminar in person you will have your weight and height recorded. Following a talk by one of the surgeons we will also give a presentation. This will include information on the dietary changes you will need to make before and after surgery. You will have an opportunity to ask questions. If you decide you wish to continue on the surgery pathway you will have the opportunity to opt-in.
Next Steps
If you decide to opt-in for surgery you will attend an assessment appointment. Your medical history will be discussed with a bariatric nurse and you will see one of the dietetic team. We will talk about your weight history, your attempts at losing weight and your eating habits. Please be honest with us as this will help us decide the best treatment plan for you. It is also a chance for you to ask questions and discuss any concerns you may have. You will be encouraged to lose weight and you may be given an individual weight loss target. You will also be encouraged to make other lifestyle changes. You will be required to complete the Dietetic Wear Living Well programme. This will help you achieve these changes.
Before Surgery
Having any weight loss surgery is not an easy option - it will not force you to follow a healthy diet. Surgery can help you lose weight but the amount you lose and how healthy you become depends on your hard work and determination. Surgery restricts how much you can take in at a time. This helps you to limit your food intake and therefore lose weight. You are still ultimately responsible for the food you choose to eat. You will need to use willpower to stop eating energy dense foods such as crisps, chocolate, biscuits etc. Even small amounts of these foods can slow down your weight loss.
We recommend that people start making changes to their diet and behaviour before surgery because surgery alone will not change your eating habits. You need to gradually prepare yourself for the changes ahead. Use the time before surgery wisely as you will cope better afterwards.
Preparing for Surgery
When you are placed on the waiting list you will then receive a copy of the pre-op diet information sheet. This is a diet that must be followed for 10 days prior to surgery ONLY. The purpose of the diet is to reduce the size of your liver and make the operation safer. It must not be used at any other time. There are three options:
Diet one food choices and menu ideas.
Unless you are diabetic this is the diet you are encouraged to follow.
Diet two food choices and menu ideas.
This diet should be followed by diabetics controlled on diet only or on tablets. If you have a milk allergy this is the best option.
Diet three food choices and menu ideas.
This is suitable for diabetics on insulin.
This diet must only be used for the 10 days prior to surgery. It is not a diet to lose weight and must not be used at any other time.
In hospital
During your stay in hospital you will be visited by a dietitian. We will go through the post surgery dietary advice in detail and answer any questions you may have. Written information will also be provided. You will need to follow a pureed diet for 4 weeks after this surgery. This is important to aid the healing process.
After Surgery
Vitamins and Minerals after surgery
You will need to take vitamin/ mineral supplements for the rest of your life. What you are required to take will depend on the surgery you have. The dietitian will discuss with you after your surgery.
Following your surgery, you will have regular blood tests and be advised on any changes you need to make to your ongoing vitamin supplements.
Follow up after your procedure
Gastric balloon
You will speak to a dietitian within one month of your balloon insertion. You will then be contacted at regular intervals until it is removed.
Gastric Bypass and Gastric Sleeve
Your first appointments will be with a consultant and dietitian at around 6 weeks. This may be by in person or by telephone. The dietetic team will then continue to provide follow up at regular intervals until 2 years after your operation. We will check your weight loss, medications and discuss your food intake. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions. We will also organise blood tests if appropriate.
Gastric Bands
Regular follow up will be provided by the bariatric team to achieve the best results from your band.