Childbirth is a unique time in a persons life, it may be that during this time your birth didn’t go as you had hoped or expected. It is understandable that you may wish to talk about your experience or that you may have some questions about your labour. If you had your baby with us in the last 12 months we would like to offer you the opportunity to discuss your birth experience with a midwife. If you are currently pregnant and delivered your last baby at STSFT you are also able to access this service.

You can refer yourself into the service using the below form. Following completion you will be offered an appointment with one of our midwives. We can offer a face to face session or a telephone appointment. If you indicate you would like one of the other services listed, your referral will be redirected to that service. 

Please note you must be six weeks postnatal or your referral will not be processed. Please provide as much information as possible on the form in order for us to assess accordingly. If you have not recieved a response to your form within 7 days of submitting, please call: 0191 5699 698.

Following this session if we feel you may need more support we can refer you to our Maternal Mental Health Service, a Talking Therapy or facilitate a discussion with an Obstetric Consultant. 

Please note, wait times can vary, we appreciate your patience. 

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