You will be introduced to our specialist nurses at the introductory seminar (this will be the first time you meet some of our team). You will be given a presentation by one of our consultants and have a chance to ask some questions at the end.

New patient assessment

The new patient assessment is a medical/psycho-social assessment to help us know more about you. You may be referred to our psychologist at this point depending on the outcome of the assessment. It is not uncommon to be referred to psychology so don't be disheartened or upset. There may be some things that need to be dealt with prior to surgery that the surgery itself cannot fix.

Multi-disciplinary Team (MDT) meeting

During MDT meetings Consultants, Specialist Nurses and Dietitians discuss each patient individually. In some cases, we might request more information from your GP or other healthcare professional regarding previous surgery or any tests you have had. This will allow us to decide the suitability and safest type of surgery most appropriate to you.

Post operation telephone review

This is carried out usually within 7 days of your discharge from hospital. It provides an opportunity to check you are OK, provide post op advice and for you to ask questions you may have. While in hospital it is important to make sure you give ward staff your most up to date telephone numbers. N.B calls will appear on your phone as 'withheld number' - please answer as it is only us.

Nurse led urgent review clinic

This clinic is held twice per week and can be used for anything from checking to see if you have met your weight loss target, to health promotion advice and motivation and even problems or concerns following your operation - simply call and make your appointment.

The specialist nurses are always available to support you with the above so if you do have a problem or need advice please doesn't hesitate to contact them.

Bariatric Specialist Nurses Arun Sekhar and Lisa Wilde (0191 565 6256 extension 42570/42708)