We want to help our patients stay out of hospital wherever possible and receive their care within the community or in the comfort of their own home. We have a range of specialist services that allows us to provide this including community nurses, health visitors and recovery at home.

We have over 50 community services across Sunderland and South Tyneside including:


South Tyneside District Nursing Teams

Across the area of South Tyneside, we have three District Nursing Teams offering a wide range of services. Providing holistic nursing care to housebound patients preventing unnecessary hospital admission and allowing patients to be cared for in their own home or chosen environment. 

A housebound patient is confined to their place of residence and unable to use any form of transport to access clinics for treatment. Patients who can leave their home (either escorted or unescorted) and travel on foot, wheelchair, public transport or taxi to attend GP, dental or hospital appointments are not considered house bound.

Our teams consist of District Nurse Specialist Practitioners, Community Staff Nurses, Health Care Assistants, Community Matrons, Social Workers, Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist, Phlebotomists and a Palliative Care Day Team.  We have close working links with Tissue Viability, General Practitioners, Specialist Palliative Care Nurses, Hospice Care, Continence Service, Equipment Services, Practice Nurses, Carers and voluntary sector agencies.

The District Nursing Teams provide nursing care to the housebound for End-of-Life Care, Palliative Support, Long Term, Acute and Chronic Conditions. In response to identified health needs, the service offers nursing treatments, disease prevention, promotion of health, independence and self-care. 

  • Delivering highly skilled care at End of Life and Palliative support allowing people to remain at home.
  • Controlled drug administration and symptom management
  • Assessment and management of complex and non-complex wounds.
  • Bladder Care and Catheterisation
  • Bowel Care and Continence assessment
  • Insulin administration and diabetic management
  • Self-management support for patient, family and carers promoting independence and wellbeing.
  • Holistic assessment, care planning, monitoring and review of all patients on the caseload appropriate to need.

A Palliative Care Day Team work closely with the District Nursing Teams Specialist Practitioner District Nurses to provide high quality holistic End of Life Care. Ensuring the patients’ needs are met, symptoms managed and wishes fulfilled.  

Based with the District Nursing Teams the Palliative Care Day Team consists of Registered General Nurses experienced in Palliative Care, led by a Clinical Team Manager and supported by District Nurse Specialist Practitioners for the delivery of palliative care.  The team supports and complements Palliative Care delivery across the three District Nursing Teams working closely with Specialist Palliative Care.

A Treatment Room service operates from two locations across South Tyneside:

Cleadon Park PCC, Acacia Grove, South Shields NE34 8PS

Core Working Hours Monday – Friday 08:30 – 17:00

Palmers Community Hospital, Wear Street, Jarrow NE32 3UX

Core Working Hours Monday – Friday 09:00 – 17:00

With a reduced service at weekends and Bank Holidays – 52 weeks a year.

Our staff aim to promote independence and wellbeing by working together to provide people with the right care from the right professional at the right time. Patients are individually assessed so that a tailored visiting plan can be developed to meet their specific needs. As part of this plan, we actively promote and support patients and carers to take responsibility for managing their own care, which helps to reduce unplanned admissions to hospital.

The District Nursing Teams operate a Single Point of Contact (SPOC). Referrals are accepted from healthcare professionals including General Practitioner’s, Secondary care, patients, family members, carers, care home support staff and social workers.

Decision to accept the referral will be made by a District Nurse or Administration staff according to the referral criteria. Triage will be completed at the point of contact to identify the needs of the patient with initial assessment planned if required.

Patients are then individually assessed so that a tailored visiting plan can be developed to meet their specific individual needs.

The decision to discharge patients from intervention will be made by the District Nurse or experienced nursing staff.

The three District Nursing Teams in South Tyneside all work from one base:

Core working hours: 08:00 - 18:00 - 7 days a week - 365 days a year

East District Nursing Team

Clinical Team Manager – Lyndsey Joynes

Clarendon, Windmill Way, Hebburn, NE31 1AT Admin Tel: 0191-2831381

South District Nursing Team

Clinical Team Manager – Sonya Bruce

Clarendon, Windmill Way, Hebburn, NE31 1AT Admin Tel: 0191-2831073

West District Nursing Team

Clinical Team Manager – Holly Gunn

Clarendon, Windmill Way, Hebburn, NE31 1AT Admin Tel: 0191- 2831070

Acute Intermediate Care Therapy Team

We are a team of Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists and therapy support workers. We provide rehabilitation to patients who are housebound. Our aim is to maximise people’s independence. We are also involved in helping to prevent hospital admission and can provide walking aids and manual handling equipment along with a rehabilitation exercise programme. We support patients following discharge from hospital and aim to help them regain their previous level of function. We are based in the community and in Haven Court bed based rehabilitation unit.

Contact Us

0191 283 1593

Finding Us

Clarendon, Windmill Way, Hebburn NE31 1AT

Our Team

Rob Holland- Lead Therapist